Please take notice that the following real property will be sold by private sale by Matthew L. Taylor, Partition Referee, pursuant to order of the San Bernardino County Superior Court: Street Address: 11222 3rd Avenue, Hesperia, CA 92345; Assessor’s Parcel Number: 0414-122-56-0000; Legal Description: “The North 1/2 of Lot 143 of Tract 4608, in the City of Hesperia, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 57, Pages 100 to 102, inclusive, of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Excepting therefrom the interest in 1/2 of all oil, gas and minerals lying and being more than 200 feet below the respective present surface elevations of the above described property, which was excepted in the deed from Appleton Land, Water and Power Company, to N.K. Mendelsohn, et al., recorded 06/11/1954 in Book 3400 Page 409 of Official Records, which deed provides as follows: “That such excepted ownership of such 1/2 interest in such oil, gas and minerals does not include and shall not be construed to include any right of entry upon any part of the surface of the herein described property for the purpose of exploration development, drilling, storage or other activity ancillary to the removal of such oil, gas and minerals.”” (Hereinafter, the “Subject Property”.) Please take notice that the Subject Property is being sold by private sale by Matthew L. Taylor, as Partition Referee appointed in the matter of Graham v. Graham, San Bernardino County Superior Court case number CIVSB2108093. The sale is being made pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 873.680, et seq. The property is sold in an “As Is” condition with no warranties or representations. Offers must be submitted in writing on a California Association of Realtors form contract. All sales are subject to court confirmation. Offers must be submitted to Matthew L. Taylor, Partition Referee, P.O. Box 4198, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729, and must be received on or before August 28, 2022. Further information can be obtained at: or by calling Matthew Taylor at 909-989-7774.

Matthew L. Taylor is an attorney based in Rancho Cucamonga, California. In addition to being an attorney, he has also acts as a Superior Court Receiver and Partition Referee and is a licensed real estate broker (DRE #02189284) in California.