Please take notice that the following real property will be sold by private sale by Matthew L. Taylor, Partition Referee, pursuant to order of the San Diego County Superior Court: Street Address: 501 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas, California, 92024; Assessor’s Parcel Number: 257-011-28-00; Legal Description: That portion of the South half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 10,Township 13 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the City of Encinitas, County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey approved April 19, 1881, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East and West center line of said Section 10, distant thereon South 89° 01’ 50” East 687.76 feet from the center of said Section 10, said point being the Southeast corner of that parcel of land conveyed by Mary D. Vaughan to Leslie E. Gay et al by Deed dated May 23, 1929, recorded in Book 1657, Page 142 of Deeds, San Diego County Records; thence along said East and West center line North 89° 01’ 50” West 265.00 feet; thence parallel with the Easterly line of said Gay Land North 18° 02’ 12” West 173 feet more or less to the North line of said South half of the South half of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 10; thence Easterly along said North Line, 265 feet more or less, to the Easterly line of said Gay Land; thence along said Easterly line, South 18° 02′ 12″ East 172.85 feet; more or less, to the Point of Beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion Deeded to the City of Encinitas, a Municipal Corporation as described in Grant Deed recorded August 17, 2001 as Instrument No. 2001-0587485 of Official Records. (Hereinafter the “Subject Property”.) Please take notice that the Subject Property is being sold by private sale by Matthew L. Taylor, as Partition Referee appointed in the matter of Jeana S.. Zurcher v. Cheryl Kay Konn, etc., et al., San Diego County Superior Court case number 37-2020-00041250-CU-OR-NC. The sale is being made pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 873.680, et seq. The property is sold in an “As Is” condition with no warranties or representations. Offers must be submitted in writing on a California Association of Realtors form contract. All sales are subject to court confirmation. Offers must be submitted to Matthew L. Taylor, Partition Referee, P.O. Box 4198, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729, and must be received on or before October 13, 2021.

Matthew L. Taylor is an attorney based in Rancho Cucamonga, California. In addition to being an attorney, he has also acts as a Superior Court Receiver and Partition Referee and is a licensed real estate broker (DRE #02189284) in California.